Friday, April 6, 2018

The MOST Epic Storyboard of All Time

Not only is she epic, she is pink. That's right. PINK.

Welcome back to my blog ya lil' dumplings! I woke up this morning (wow we love Rascal Flats) and realized that I never gave you a full glorious storyboard. I'm a very "in my head" kinda person, so I often forget the importance of writing things out and seeing them on paper. I also tend to forget I don't have twelve years and a multimillion dollar budget to work with. And I like to pretend I have real filming equipment.

Not the best combo.

But hey! It's all good because I'm aware of it and doing my best to combat it now :) (*thunderous applause is heard in the distance*)

As I already explained how the first scene would play out in my blog post, "Amanda Uses Menken As Inspiration Pt. 400," I decided I would focus on the filming of the singing itself. I envisioned the song to begin precisely where the scene cuts off, described by the end of my written storyboard,

"...[Charlotte] grins a little bit and dashes into the forest, the camera cutting to a long shot of her before showing her face in a close up as she starts climbing through, the song beginning."

To elaborate on the specifics, the long shot is from behind her as she runs towards the forest. The reason that is done is to represent how she is breaking the rules by doing this, represented by the lines created in the grass, ground, and sky. I actually believe that this next part would be better aided by a mid shot from behind instead of a close up of her face. Charlotte is taking us on this journey with her and is simultaneously turning her back on her world by doing so. I may show a close up of her face when she starts singing but certainly not yet. And now, in all her Elle Woods glory, I present my storyboard:

"C" represents Charlotte and "m_-_" represents measures of the song.

Sidenote: this was meant to post Thursday as I've been thinking about and re-drawing the storyboard since Monday but my power went out, I apologize. I also apologize for the poor lighting, it's still kinda dark here and my flashlight simply refused to be of use. Despite that, I've lightened them up (yes, these are actually lightened. frightening, isn't it?) and I've discerned them to be visible. Doesn't matter as much as the actual film's lighting, though, which I promise will be cleaner!!

Thanks for tuning in!

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